Monday, September 21, 2009

Post 13 : Friday Night Freak OUT

Dear Diary,

So friday rolled around and i was in a bit of a good mood, so i wandered down to the Ktox HQ, Blue was on so i thourght i would pop in and say hello.  Anyhow got there and there were a LOT of people there, Quiet, Kaira, Celestra, Calleigh and a few others i didn't recognise. So i sat down and got to bantering.  All of a sudden, i felt really hot, i couldnt catch my breathe, my vision blurred and it felt like i was going to die, theres the thing death ....death comes to everyone eventually, but when its staring you in the face its hard to shake the feeling of weakness you have.

It was the same with Full moon just gone, my life ebbing away, the voice of my friends disappearing into the darkness.  Its like a blanket, you can feel it covering you, gently trying to close your eyes.......* theres a sentance scribbled out you cant make out**

fuckit... You know what is really strange, i could have sworn i heard kaira calling for a doctor, now that scared the shit out of me diary, concern from the Rites keeper of the prowlers, i never would have thourght it possible.  Calleigh Scans me and she says it looks like im cursed, Yeah figures.... but fuck it... no curse can hold me down, least i thourght it couldnt, i try an leave, my head still spinning i leap to the top of the apartments.. and land Hard, i Cant move.... Calleighs followed me and i try and crawl away from her to the edge looking over, she talks to me and i use my strength to stand roaring into the toxian sky, I WONT BE KEPT DOWN! YOU HEAR ME!! ** These words are writting hard scarrin the next 6 pages** Weakness, theres no time... too many people depend on me, i cant, i have to fight.

The Evening rolls around and the pack get frisky, and capture Joenta, i watch with niv as they circle her, Niv hisses a warning, to me not to interfere... I take out my phone and text Kaira, shes unblocked me .. WHAT THE FUCK.. ok .. .im scared now.... She tells me the situation but doesnt have a plan .. Kahlen is beaten in Combat by Hera.. and the prowlers start to barter, i try to help them now at Joentas side making sure shes ok, my rage builds, one sure fire way to get me mad is touch my friends.. i attack the wolf called Raiden and quickly i go down .... I tried.... but was left defeated. Tora helps me as well as a Kitten called Celestria.

i stand up and go to bed..

I hate being helpless, there are some killer fighters in this city.... i think its time to train dont you? Anyway diary i have one thing say... SHIGENGA!

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